
The methodological significance of the transition to civilizational knowledge of history is clarified in the article. The author notes that the methodological reorientation of historians and the transition to the study of the history of the Ukrainian people in the context of the civilization paradigm have contributed for raising the scientific level of historical studies. Due to this, a new vision of key problems of domestic and foreign history was formed and a number of falsified and distorted issues in the imperial and Soviet times were refuted. This made it possible to demonstrate the civilizational identity of Ukraine. Modern science considers the sociocultural approach as a methodological tool for the systematic study of the interaction of all spheres of society. Culture appears as an important criterion for the content and quality of social life. The civilizational model of the historical cognition overcomes the gaps of the Ukrainian history and promotes the establishment of Ukrainian identity. It prevents ignoring the traditional culture and mentality of the Ukrainian people, the deep regional features of the country. With the civilizational knowledge of Ukraine is related it civilizational choice, the European integration processes, which is based on a dialogue with Europe. In the civilization paradigm, the history of Ukraine is considered as the history of a separate country, but not in isolation, in relation to the history of other peoples, in the context of regional and world civilizations.

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