
Non-organ retroperitoneal liposarcoma is the most frequent initial malignant tumor in retroperitoneal space and it comprises 40 % of all non-organ retroperitoneal tumors. Difficulty of early diagnostics and complex antitumor treatment of patients with non-organ retroperitoneal tumors is one of the most actual and complicated issues in oncosurgery. Nonorgan retroperitoneal liposarcoma is a problematic issue because of complicated topographic and anatomic position, adjacency to retroperitoneal organs and great vessels and frequent loco-regional recurring. The most effective treatment mode of non-organ retroperitoneal tumors is surgical. Traumatic multivisceral resections are needed in 50 % of observations, including nephrectomy in 35-39 % of cases. Morphological invasion of the tumor into organs is confirmed in 35.7 % of cases. According to the most observations (70 %), there are no signs of invasion into kidney. Today, the treatment of tumors is being reconsidered. Nowadays, the enhancement of professional knowledge and technological advancement provides an opportunity to implement kidney-preserving surgeries, which improve life quality of the patients. In our opinion, using renal autotransplantation is very promising. It is widely used in pathology, in non-urgent and urgent urology, oncourology, vascular surgery. Our clinical case has demonstrated the technique of extracorporal resection of giant liposarcoma from involved kidney. Further steps include temporary kidney conservation, precise dissection from tumor and replantation of iliac vessel under emergency morphological control. Follow-up period is 18 months. According to the instrumental examination, no indices of backset and of tumor growth were revealed and the kidney's integrity was saved.


  • Клинический случай посвящён изучению проблемы возможности использования «нефросохранных» технологий в лечении местно-распространённых неорганных забрюшинных опухолей

  • Traumatic multivisceral resections are needed in 50 % of observations, including nephrectomy in 35–39 % of cases

  • Our clinical case has demonstrated the technique of extracorporal resection of giant liposarcoma from involved kidney

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Расулов Р.И. 1, 2, Муратов А.А. 1, Дворниченко В.В. 1, 2, Мориков Д.Д. 1, 2, Тетерина Т.П. 2. 2. РЕПЛАНТАЦИЯ ПОЧКИ ПРИ РАСШИРЕННО-КОМБИНИРОВАННОМ УДАЛЕНИИ ЗАБРЮШИННОЙ ЛИПОСАРКОМЫ (КЛИНИЧЕСКОЕ НАБЛЮДЕНИЕ). RENAL REPLANTATION AT EXTENDED AND COMBINED RESECTION OF RETROPERITONEAL LIPOSARCOMA (CASE REPORT). Difficulty of early diagnostics and complex antitumor treatment of patients with non-organ retroperitoneal tumors is one of the most actual and complicated issues in oncosurgery. Morphological invasion of the tumor into organs is confirmed in 35.7 % of cases. Среди всех неорганных забрюшинных опухолей (НЗО), а их более 100 гистологических вариантов, она встречается в 40,0 % случаев. Что при гистологическом исследовании 75 удалённых макропрепаратов состоящих из органокомплекса опухоль – почка, только в 21,5 % случаев был обнаружен истинный инфильтративный рост НЗО в структуры почки. В 78,5 % случаев выполнение нефрэктомии было обусловлено техническими трудностями, возникшими при выделении почки из опухолевого массива [12]. Активное внедрение подобных технологий в лечение злокачественных опухолей ярко отражает современную концепцию онкохирургии, заключающуюся в стремлении выполнения органосохраняющих и высокофункциональных операций на основе необходимого онкологического радикализма (Давыдов М.И., 2009)

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