
The operational efficiency of coal-fired thermal power plants designed to utilize designed / standardized fuel and coking plants largely depends on the quality characteristics of the supplied coal products, the main indicators of which are: calorific value, ash content, moisture content, volatile matter yield, sulfur and nitrogen content, particle size distribution. Coal of various grades is mined in Russia, but not more than one third can be classified as the designed fuel. Accordingly, there arises a need to make fuel mixtures with specified parameters. The article justifies the topicality to create a database of qualitative characteristics and indicators of various coal grades. Using the results of analytical review of normative documentation, coal classification options have been developed based on the list of quality indicators specified in the state standard for identification of coals and coal products. Logical structure of the data, entity, relationships between them, attributes and constraints have been defined at the design stage of the database. The type and content of the conceptual model are presented as an ER-model visualized in the form of a graphical notation of the entity-vs-relationship diagram. Based on the analysis performed, ways of transaction and input data sources for the supplied coal characteristics and processing technologies have been defined. Examples of data structure in the models of individual entities and methods to determine their parameters have been provided.

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