
The Caspian Basin is a unique geological object, the most notable features of which are the anomalously large thickness of the sedimentary cover and its enormous hydrocarbon potential. It is generally known that the main reserves in the identified fields and the prospects for discovering new large deposits of oil, gas and gas condensate here are associated with a subsalt complex of terrigenous and carbonate strata, submerged in the central part of the basin to depths of over 10 km. To date, this complex has been most studied in the edges of the depression at depths of 4-5 km. Confident forecasting of oil prospecting operations for deeper-lying objects is constrained by low researched of their structural, lithological, thermobaric and other parameters. In the debate about these very complex problems, one rarely recalls such a simple and at the same time crucial fact as direct signs of oil and gas potential. Indeed, every year we receive more and more new data on the “breathing of resources”, on the hydrocarbons migration from subsalt sediments into post-salt reservoirs, but we do not give them due attention. The article provides convincing, in the author's opinion, examples of the formation of post-salt deposits on salt domes due to the vertical migration of hydrocarbons. Taking this process into account, recommendations were made both НЕФТЬ И ГАЗ 2020 6 (120) 21 ГЕОЛОГИЯ on the general method of oil prospecting in subsalt deposits, and specific proposals for the search for subsalt and post-salt deposits of oil and gas.

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