
Background. Th e article presents the data of an empirical study of the relationship between tolerance, moral identity and social creativity. Th e defi nition of social creativity is given as the ability to generate original solutions to problems in social interaction. Th e classifi cation of social creativity according to the content of the task is proposed: prosocial and asocial (tasks with negative connotation) creativity Objective of the study was to identify the relationship between the types of social creative news with tolerance and moral identity. Sample. Th e study involved high school students and university and college students (N = 96). Methods. Th e methods of “Tolerance Index” (Soldatova et al.), moral identity (Aquino, Americus. II) and tasks for divergent thinking, as which situations with diff erent connotations were proposed — prosocial and negative. Results. Hypotheses about the positive relationship of prosocial creativity and the negative relationship of a creativity with tolerance and moral identity were tested. Th e hypotheses were partially confi rmed: a positive relationship of moral identity with antisocial creativity in a task with a prosocial connotation was revealed; a negative relationship of antisocial creativity in a revenge situation task with a moral and general tolerance index. Conclusion are drawn about the regulating and restraining function that tolerance and moral identity can perform in antisocial creativity: high values of parameters correlate with rejection of revenge, and vice versa, low values correlate with ideas of revenge, while the regulating role of moral identity may not be found in a prosocial situation. Th e ways of further study of social creativity are proposed and the importance for understanding the phenomenon of studying creativity in the case of respondents generating answers-refusals to off er solutions and answers of the opposite valence to the task is noted.

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