
The peculiarities of the new ESP curricula impose educators to refocus their teaching strategies and adopt new approaches to meet the challenges, incorporate facilitative technologies and to provide models and opportunities for effective and ample practical work. In this context, the flipped classroom approach is getting more and more attention from practitioners and researchers. However, reporting positive evidences of employing flipped classroom approach in language training, the researchers emphasise the close interrelation between learning outcomes and positive acceptance. Activities accepted as interesting and useful could function as mediators to increase students’ motivation, develop and deepen their interest and knowledge. On the contrary, activities that are inconsistent with students’ preferences and interests might result in demotivation, increased anxiety and absenteeism. Since students’ preferences for training activities and approaches are associated with motivation factors and have a direct bearing on the learning outcomes, choices in training are to be influenced by students’ perceptions and considered in this context.The manuscript aims to present the results of the research on students’ attitudes toward flipped class elements in traditional curricula. The obtained results support the assumption that the approach has a great potential to affect the ESP class positiely. When used appropriately, flipped class elements can foster students’ engagement in the learning process, which many students find beneficial and as the research has shown to decrease attrition, enhance students’ positive attitude and motivation, improve students’ satisfaction.It is compatible with the regular curriculum and has a good potential to reform the traditional time-consuming in-class components of the ESP course and make it more topical and motivating. However, the process of implementing new formats of training requires not only careful planning, but also monitoring the students’ feedback.

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