
The problem of producing environmentally friendly and harmless food products requires not only high-quality raw materials, but also the modification of technological equipment for baking. The main direction of the modification is to reduce the loss of nutritional value of the feedstock in the production of bread, resource saving and environmental friendliness. The implementation of these directions when modifying the design of bread machines is possible based on the application of the principles of desegregation and forced convection. In order to ensure the required parameters of the technological process for the production of bread from whipped yeast-free dough in a modified design of the apparatus, onstructive solutions for improving the baking chamber are proposed. The obtained density indicators of specific isobaric heat capacity, thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity with an infrared heating system for a dough piece made from whipped yeast-free dough make it possible to determine and correct the characteristics of technical devicesincluding the design of the apparatus. The results of experimental studies of the proposed designs of devices for the production of whipped yeast-free dough and bread baking allow us to conclude that the proposed technical solution provides a reduction in baking time by 27–32 %, heat loss by 23–25 %, energy resources by 17–19 %, material consumption by 20–25 %. The proposed design changes ensure the production of environmentally friendly bakery products through the use of physical principles that do not destroy the molecular structure of the feedstock.

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