
This study is about the effect of organizational culture and metacognition on self-efficiency according to the hotel's organizational integration strategy. Three main hypotheses are based on organizational integration strategies, organizational culture, metacognition, and self-efficiency. The empirical analysis was analyzed using the SPS WIN Ver2.22.0 statistical package program after the questionnaire was collected, and the survey was conducted for one month from October 25 to November 25, 2019. The analysis of the Hypothesis 1 showed that the hotel’s organizational integration strategy (communication, social support, empowerment and job security) was partially adopted by the organizational culture (hierarchy culture, rational culture, consensus culture, development culture). The hypothesis 2, organizational culture (hierarchical culture, rational culture, consensus culture, and development culture) was partially adopted for metacognition. The hypothesis 3, the metacognition was adopted for self-efficiency. Therefore, the results of this study suggests that providing empowerment to the members of the organization and social support to management or practitioners (immediate superior) will result in a positive outcome for reaching the ultimate goal desired by each hotel company. Second, if we emphasize profit creation of efficiency and productivity rather than emphasis on hierarchy and approval process, reveal the purpose of our work performance, and create competition, we can create a more active hotel company's organizational culture. In addition, Building a smooth cultural system through smooth cooperation between departments and team members can lead to a new willingness and innovative thinking. Third, the metacognition will soon be an important task of learning experience and methods, and will be the foundation for flexible work. This metacognition will eventually create a strong sense of self-efficiency among members of the organization, and they will be able to respond confidently when in trouble. As a result, the customers who visit the hotels that have distinct advantages and hotel workers performing their duties with active attitude will makes happy memories.

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