
The article analyzes the relationship between the process of electronic debureaucratization of school documentation in Ukraine and the development of school education, including the freeing of teachers' time for creative work and the formation of prerequisites for the development of school leadership. The electronic debureaucratization of school documentation process was supported at the level of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and implemented in the form of the publicly available (free for users) e-Journal application program in the environment, supported by the national educational management information system of SHC «AICEM». The practice of using e-Journal shows that the main stakeholders in the educational process receive significant benefits and free up their time for creative work. In particular, the school administration is able to promptly generate educational reports, achievement charts by class and by subject, analyze teachers' performance, and monitor the progress of students, classes, and the school as a whole. Teachers have easy access to the current сlass schedule on the computer, access to teaching materials, division of classes into groups without paper journals, automatic generation of complex reports based on the results of the semester or school year, and effective communication with students and their parents. The parents quickly receive information about their children’s progress and attendance, monitor their learning and homework, and communicate directly with teachers. For a deep understanding of the needs of teachers, administrators, students, and parents working with the e-Journal platform, feedback channels have been created that allow the systematization of user requests regarding the features of the service's functioning, collection of statistical data based on which developers can analyze user wishes for service development, identify problematic areas requiring improvement, and promptly address them. Proposals for improving the electronic school debureaucratization process are presented.

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