
The essence of the concept of "product competitiveness" is considered. The factors of competitiveness of products of machine-building enterprises on the international market are systematized. Based on the systematization of quantitative and qualitative methods of assessing the level of competitiveness, a step-by-step method for mechanical engineering enterprises is proposed. The state of the machine-building complex of Ukraine is considered. The dynamics of factors of international competitiveness of machine-building enterprises is analyzed: number of enterprises by machine-building branches; volume of sales and production of machine-building products; shares of mechanical engineering products in domestic exports; capital investments of enterprises in the fields of mechanical engineering. As a result of diagnosing the factors, a PEST-analysis of the domestic machine-building complex with the division of factors into political, economic, social and technological was carried out. It is established that machine-building enterprises of Ukraine have a low level of competitiveness in international markets due to a number of negative factors, the key of which are: insufficient demand in foreign markets, high dependence on fluctuations in resource prices (economic); imperfect legislation, the war in eastern Ukraine (political); technological and moral obsolescence of products and fixed assets, high energy consumption and low productivity, low costs of R&D (technological); lack or outflow of qualified manufacturers abroad, low wages, low motivation of job seekers to employment in the field of mechanical engineering (social). Measures to increase international competitiveness which are proposed include following: preferential lending; revival of basic and applied science; reforming the legal regulation of intellectual property; ensuring compliance of products with European technical regulations. Prospects for the development of domestic engineering: digitalization, development of robotics, technology of Industry 4.0, infrastructure of technology parks.

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