
Objective. To investigate the effect of glyprolines on the levels of initiating and effector caspases in the serum of white rats under "social" stress. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 90 white male rats of 6 months of age. All manipulations with animals were carried out in accordance with international and domestic requirements for working with laboratory animals. When modeling "social" stress, groups of animals with aggressive and submissive behavior were formed. Laboratory animals, taking into account the types of behavior, were divided into groups (n=10): a group of intact males (control); a group of animals exposed to" social " stress for 20 days (stress); groups of individuals who received intraperitoneal Selank (Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro), Pro-Gly-Pro, Pro-Gly-Pro-Leu at doses of 100 mcg/kg / day from the 1st day of stress exposure within a 20- day course. The effect of neuropeptides on the activity of apoptosis processes was evaluated by determining the level of initiating and effector caspases (caspase-8 and caspase-3) (ELISA Kit for Caspase-8 and ELISA Kit for Caspase-3; USA) in the blood serum of white rats by enzyme immunoassay. Results. According to the results of the study, it was found that under conditions of "social" stress, an increase in apoptotic processes was observed, accompanied by an increase in the level of caspase-3 and caspase-8 in the blood serum of white rats. The introduction of the studied compounds against the background of stress contributed to a decrease in the level of the studied indicators, which is most likely due to the presence of antiapoptotic action in glyprolins due to inhibition of the caspase-dependent cascade of apoptosis reactions, as a result of which the destruction of cellular structures occurs by hydrolysis of nuclear lamina, cleavage of adhesive proteins, destruction of the cytoskeleton. Conclusion. Thus, the conducted study established the presence of Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro (Selank), Pro-Gly-Pro and Pro-Gly-Pro-Leu under conditions of stress-induced antiapoptotic activity due to inhibition of the caspase-dependent cascade of apoptosis reactions.


  • Цель исследования: изучить влияние глипролинов на уровень инициирующей и эффекторной каспаз в сыворотке крови белых крыс в условиях «социального» стресса

  • The effect of neuropeptides on the activity of apoptosis processes was evaluated by determining the level of initiating and effector caspases (ELISA Kit for Caspase-8 and ELISA Kit for Caspase-3; USA) in the blood serum of white rats by enzyme immunoassay

  • The introduction of the studied compounds against the background of stress contributed to a decrease in the level of the studied indicators, which is most likely due to the presence of antiapoptotic action in glyprolins due to inhibition of the caspase-dependent cascade of apoptosis reactions, as a result of which the destruction of cellular structures occurs by hydrolysis of nuclear lamina, cleavage of adhesive proteins, destruction of the cytoskeleton

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Исследование проводили на 90 белых крысах-самцах 6-месячного возраста, полученных из вивария лаборатории физиологии, морфологии, генетики и биомедицины ФГБОУ ВО «Астраханский государственный университет» (Россия, Астрахань). При моделировании «социального» стресса придерживались условий, когда при проживании животных обеспечивался сенсорный контакт с последующим формированием агрессивного и субмиссивного типа поведения [3, 7, 17]. С целью формирования «социального» стресса животных попарно размещали в клетках, разделенных прозрачной перегородкой, обеспечивающей сенсорный контакт в условиях отсутствия физического контакта. Ежедневно на 10 мин перегородку снимали и наблюдали за межсамцовыми конфронтациями, в результате чего были сформированы группы крыс с агрессивным (агрессор) и субмиссивным (жертва) типами поведения. Агрессивность крыс оценивалась по наличию вертикальных и боковых стоек и атаки, а субмиссивность – по наличию неподвижности, обнюхивания, аутогруминга, вертикальных «защитных» стоек. Лабораторные животные с учетом агрессивного и субмиссивного типов поведения были разделены на группы (n=10):

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