
The apartment reconstruction projects have the proper functions such as residential environment improvement and the new housing allocation system; however, intention of the projects are distorted by the combination of factors, like failure of relocation of the original occupants and income redistribution, speculation in real estate, sharp rise in housing price, disputation between various interested parties, inadequate system and etc and it makes the projects unable to go well. Disputations and litigations are due to spread of the small conflict. As a result of the problems, it could not going smoothly and that lead to increase or stop the period and cost. This study is to estimate the period and cost using the conflict index so as to prevent and solve the problem which is among the conflict in the reverse functions. The conflict index has estimated focus on the conflict impact and the period and cost has been estimated using an variable independent including the conflict index. Also, estimated the conflict index and estimate of the period and cost are able to succeed with a minimum of disputation and money.

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