
The present study is devoted to an analysis of the state and prospects of a practice of inter-municipal cooperation of a subjects of the Russian Federation in the aspect of an implemented spatial neoliberal policy — a key element of the global neoliberal paradigm of socio-economic development of countries and their regions. So, in an opinion of most researchers, the indicated practice (intermunicipal cooperation) is one of a possible option for mitigating a consequences of large-scale budget cuts in municipalities in countries of the World — the main provision of neoliberalism implemented in public policy. Main methods used in this work were descriptive and correlation analysis, which allow analyzing the main trends in the dynamics and relationships of a processes and phenomena considered in the study. As a result of the study, it was found that the most common practice of inter-municipal cooperation in Russia is a participation of the Ministry of Defense in inter-municipal non-profit organizations. The practice of creating inter-municipal commercial organizations is much less often used. At the same time, the authors determined that over time (for a period from 2007 to 2020), a use of both practices is gradually decreasing. It was also revealed that there is a mutual, mainly positive, influence of dynamics of a participation of municipalities of subjects of the Federation in a practice of inter-municipal cooperation and a development of social infrastructure (educational organizations, health care institutions, cultural and sports organizations) facilities in them. Based on the results obtained, in a future, it is necessary to expand analysis of the studied processes and phenomena, focusing on, on the one hand, the conditions for the functioning of the created inter-municipal organizations, on the other, on the main circumstances of the reduction of social infrastructure facilities. In addition, according to the authors, a thorough study of determinants that have a differentiated effect on an established relationships are necessary. A theoretical significance of results of the study is to expand a theoretical understanding of process of socio-economic development of local territories, considered in an aspect of an implemented neoliberal policy. In practical terms, findings allow authorities at various levels to assess effectiveness of an implementation of a practice of inter-municipal cooperation in Russian regions.

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