
Reforming the education system of Ukraine in accordance with the concept of high-quality, modern and affordable general secondary education "New Ukrainian School", the needs of society to provide quality educational services impose certain requirements on the professional level of teaching staff. Pedagogical workers are the driving force of the reform, therefore special attention is paid to the system of professional development, which is a component of adult education. The system of professional development should contribute to the continuous professional and personal development of teachers, the formation of their own trajectory of professional development, be advanced. The article analyzes the normative legal acts regulating the professional development of pedagogical workers in Ukraine. According to the Law of Ukraine "On Education", teaching staff are obliged to constantly raise their own professional and general cultural level and pedagogical skills. Continuous professional development is one of the labour functions of a teacher, determined by professional standards. In addition, certification of teaching staff is impossible without advanced training. The approval of the order of professional development allows to determine the types, forms, volume and periodicity of professional development, the procedure for recognizing the results of professional development, and also gives teachers the opportunity to independently choose the forms of education, educational programs and subjects of professional development. Payment for professional development of employees is guaranteed by the state. Municipal institutions of postgraduate education, financed from the relevant budgets, meet the needs of the regions to improve the skills of pedagogical personnel. In addition, the legislation provides for the possibility of attracting other sources of financing, such as the state budget, own income of educational institutions. Significant changes in legislation that have occurred in recent years have created favourable conditions for continuous professional and personal development of pedagogical personnel in Ukraine. At the same time, the analysis of the mechanism of planning advanced training by educational institutions showed the need to make changes to the Procedure for advanced training in order to clarify it, as well as the need to update the provision on the certification of teaching staff.

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