
Based on the previously proposed diffusion–coagulation model of defect formation under ion irradiation of silicon and numerically solving the corresponding kinetic equations, amorphization doses (Фam) for ions of medium energy with a mass of M1 ≤ 31 a.m.u. were calculated. It is assumed that amorphization at a given depth occurs at a dose at which a certain threshold value of the total concentration of vacancies and divacancies (Cam) is reached. Variable parameters in the calculations were: ion energy, ion current density, temperature, as well as the threshold atomic displacement energy of atom (Ed) and Cam. Limits of the diffusion–coagulation model are determined. Comparison of the results of calculations carried out at these limits with published experimental data showed (taking into account the variation of the experimental data and a certain freedom of choice of the parameters Ed and Cam) a satisfactory agreement between the calculated and experimental values of Фam.

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