
A review of the accumulated data on the use of glucosaminylmuramyldipeptide (GMDP, Likopid drug) and the assessment of its effectiveness in children are presented. Objective of the research: to systematize the results of clinical trials of the efficacy and safety of GMDP therapy in neonatology and pediatrics. Materials and methods. Publications were searched for in Pubmed/MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, Cochrane, Elibrary.ru, registers of clinical trials and in open sources on the Internet. The authors assessed the level of evidence for reliability and the methodological quality of the studies. Results. The screening resulted in selection of 38 clinical trials with satisfactory methodological quality and a total of 2,692 0-18 year old patients. The effectiveness of use of GMDP (Likopid) as part of complex therapy for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (2A), allergy-related diseases (2A), herpesvirus infection (3B), dysbiosis/dysbacteriosis (3B), and newborn respiratory distress syndrome (2B) has been demonstrated. The safety assessment is given in 7 studies, of which 5 confirmed absence of any adverse events. Scope of application. The results of the review enable practitioners to prescribe GMDP (Likopid) based on the levels of evidence. The existence of evidence base for the use of GMDP in newborns allows us to raise the question of restoring appropriate indications in the Instructions for Medical Use. Conclusions. For a number of nosologies, further studies of modern design, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, are required to assess the efficacy and safety of GMDP for good clinical practice in neonatology and pediatrics.

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