
The Mediation as an alternative resolution system is highlighting on ICT global commerce with easy to access and effectiveness. Recently UNCITRAL model law on international commercial mediation has been amended in 2018 to encourage the use of mediation on adding and improving ensuring certainty for international settlement agreements and its enforcement.BR It is undeniable that the international commercial arbitration has been a significant effects for the international commercial resolutions to ensure the justice according to laws of arbitration. Arbitration has the quasi judicial characteristics. However, we also are expected to be cost, time and relationship on the commercial fields as well as the simple and settlement agreement of small or simple disputes with voluntarily amicable process in international commercial disputes.BR Mediation service for settlement of commercial disputes should be followed by the operation rules of law based on the improving value in accordance with the national and international supporting measures with laws and practices. It will be good conditions for making the international convention on settlement agreements resulting form mediation as a draft as finalized by the UN commission.BR In this paper it is consider the problems and alternatives on related applicable mediation system as an parties

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