
Supercritical fluid encapsulation of gentamicin, levofloxacin and tetracycline into bioresorbable polylacto-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) scaffolds at 20 wt. % was performed by PLGA plasticization in supercritical carbon dioxide with its subsequent foaming. The effect of incorporated antibiotics on the rate of PLGA hydrolytic degradation, determined by weekly measurements of the polymer molecular weight and gravitational masses decrease during 6 weeks scaffolds incubation in a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, has been studied. Measurements of pH of PBS containing scaffolds were carried out accordingly. The rate constants of PLGA hydrolysis for different scaffolds comprising various drugs were determined. It was shown that tetracycline significantly reduces the rate of PLGA degradation compared to the rate of control (pure polymer) scaffolds degradation. At the same time, the presence of gentamicin and levofloxacin in the scaffolds had no visible effect on their degradation. These results enhancing the predicting potential for considered antibiotics release kinetics from bioresorbable polymer carriers into bioactive media, what is necessary for the development of highly efficient sustained-release dosage forms.

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