
The article examines the mechanism of formation of the Federal Budget of the Russian Federation as a tool for stabilizing the national economy. The features of scientific views on the specifics of the formation of the docu-ment in question are given, taking into account the mandatory application of approaches to national security. The specifics of the participation of various relevant departments and structural divisions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation at the stage of approving the Federal Budget of the Russian Federation in the frame-work of the first reading are considered. The role of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation for the detailed elaboration of certain areas of the document un-der consideration is determined. The degree of importance of key economic indicators for optimizing the reve-nue and expenditure parts of the regulatory document is argued, as well as the significant impact of the priority policy on the amount of funds allocated when planning the expenditure parts of the Federal Budget of the Rus-sian Federation. The indicators of income and surplus in 2022 and 2023 are compared, taking into account the currently implemented priority policy of the Russian Federation. The classification of income and expenses is affected against the background of the specification of the economic system. The aspects of forecasting the formation of the Federal Budget of the Russian Federation in subsequent years are given, taking into account the dominant directions of the national economy and the strengthening of the role of technological industries, which potentially act as sources for permanent items of income and expenses in subsequent years.

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