
The authors investigate the economic transformation of reindeer farming in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. The region is unique for having the largest number of domesticated reindeer and nomadic indigenous peoples in the world. The conceptual basis of the research is the idea of reindeer farming as a unique biosocial system, including the triad “man-reindeer-pasture”. The study analyzes the historical, social and economic transformations of reindeer farming in the region, where at least 60% of the private livestock of domesticated reindeer in the Arctic zone of Russia have always grazed. An increase in the number of reindeer was observed in private farms even during the years of economic crisis, reforms and industrial development of the territory. Private reindeer farmers belong to former sovkhozs (post-state farms), communities and unassociated “private” owners. Only half of the reindeer farming communities are registered in the state register and receive subsidies for the sale of products. Post-state farms have government subsidies that are significantly higher than reindeer farming communities, which increases the cost of their production two to three times. “Private traders” do not receive subsidies to increase the number of reindeer and the products they sell. The liberalization of the economy lifted restrictions on private reindeer farms, and their quantitative growth exceeded the norms permissible for pastures. At the same time, private reindeer farms produce almost 70% of marketable products, primarily meat, dags and antlers. Only 36% of personal subsidiary plots are included in legal entities, which makes it difficult to organize the regulated use of pastureland in the region. The administration of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, together with scientific and public organizations, has developed a conceptual plan for the reorganization of private reindeer farms into peasant (farmer) enterprises. A register of producers is being created to allocate state and municipal subsidies. It is planned to speed up the cooperation of private farms in order to improve their manageability. There is a process of reducing the number of post-state farms in order to focus reindeer farming mainly on preserving the traditional way of life and reproducing the ethno-culture of the Arctic indigenous peoples.


  • The authors investigate the economic transformation of reindeer farming in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District

  • The region is unique for having the largest number of domesticated reindeer and nomadic indigenous peoples in the world

  • The study analyzes the historical, social and economic transformations of reindeer farming in the region, where at least 60% of the private livestock of domesticated reindeer in the Arctic zone of Russia have always grazed

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Качество и уровень жизни коренных малочисленных народов Севера

ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯ ОЛЕНЕВОДСТВА АРКТ­ ИКИ В УСЛОВИЯХ РЫНОЧНОЙ ЭКОНОМИКИ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ЯМАЛА). Национальные общины и частные владельцы оленей производят почти 70% товарной продукции оленеводства в Ямало-Ненецком автономном округе (ЯНАО). Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ (ЯНАО) стал известен как феномен успешного северного оленеводства в 1990-е годы. При этом в других регионах численность поголовья домашних оленей и количество оленеводческих хозяйств стремительно. В предыдущих публикациях мы предлагали обратить внимание на определяющую роль личных оленей для стабильности ямальского оленеводства, а также на этнопсихологическую и культурно-онтологическую предрасположенность ненцев к кочевому животноводству в отличие от других «оленеводческих» народов Субарктики, для которых оленеводство является исторической новацией [4]. При появлении возможности реализации мяса на убойные пункты в 1990-е годы постсовхозы, ставшие муниципальными предприятиями, стали активно закупать оленей как у своих пастухов, так и у частников, получая дополнительные субсидии из бюджета на реализованное мясо [8].

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