
Because Korea recognized the problem of absence of nation's top cybersecurity control tower because of continuous recent 2013.3.20. financial institutions, press cyber terror, 2013.6.25.the Blue House, saenuriparty homepage hacking accident etc,in July 4th 2013, the Park administration announced in 'Nation's Cybersecurity General Measures' the Blue House for Korea's top cybersecurity Control Tower and The National Intelligence Service for working as a whole. The Korean Constitutional Law is Korea's supreme law and the nation has the responsibility to protect the power of law. The Rule of Law which is the basic principle of the Korean Constitutional Law initiated from nation to prevent from arbitrarily using their power and as to it, Korea's every nation's action must have their basis on law(The Constitional Law, Law, 접수일(2014년01월20일), 심사의뢰일(2014년01월21일), 심사완료일(1차:2014년01월28일, 2차:2014년02월02일) 게재일(2014년02월28일) 137-713 서울시 성북구 안암동 5가, 고려대학교 정보보호대학원. email: mmlpl@korea.ac.kr * 본 연구는 미래창조과학부 및 한국인터넷진흥원의 “고용계약형 지식정보보안 석사과정 지원사업”의 연구결 과로 수행되었음 (과제번호 H2101-13-1001) 헌법의 관점에서 본 사이버 보안컨트롤 타워 제도 구축에 관한 고찰 Copyright c 2014 SERSC 26 The Principle of Law). In this paper, I analyzed the problems of Korea's present Cybersecurity Control Tower system and proposed the improved measures of them. And furthermore I will propose the new Korea's Cybersecurity Control Tower System and related systems which reflected the improved measures I proposed before.

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