
Social surveys and observations show a significant lag in the popularity of the sports industry in Russia from European countries and the United States, as well as the insufficient influence of marketing on the promotion of sports services, which increases the urgency of this problem. The purpose of the study is to consider the features of the digital transformation of sports marketing and identify ways to use it to increase the activity of consumers of services of sports events and facilities. The basis of the research methodology is an interdisciplinary approach for complementary analysis of a complex set of economic, socio-demographic, psychological, information technology and other factors. The empirical basis of the study was the materials of selective observations and surveys of fans and spectators of sports events, processed by the methods of grouping, comparative analysis, and expert evaluation. The main result of the study is the substantiation of the need to overcome Russia’s lag behind other countries in the development of the sports industry, visiting sports events and venues, which requires a change in the relationship between the management of sports clubs, associations and audiences, and wider use of the possibilities of digital information and communication technologies. The article, as elements of scientific novelty, shows the dynamics of the ratio of various sources of news information and changes in the consumer behavior of target audiences of viewers, generalizes empirical material on the use of social networks as a communication channel and substantiates the need for their activation as a marketing tool, as well as expanding the use of methodological approaches “analytics of the digital footprint”, “digital portrait” of consumers of sports services to select the most effective management solutions to increase the attendance of sports facilities and events. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the digital transformation of the sports industry causes significant changes in the relationship with the target audiences of fans, spectators, fans aimed at enhancing visits to sports events and facilities, as well as increasing their attention to broadcasts on smartphones, tablets, mobile phones, personal computers. A special role is played by social networks integrated with mobile applications as marketing tools that use the discussion of news information, the exchange of opinions and emotions, the demonstration of photo and video materials based on the results of sports events, polls of fans, spectators, fans to promote the services of sports events, evaluate their effectiveness. for sponsors, charity events. The article outlines the directions for the wider use of modern digital technologies, such as social networks integrated with mobile applications and online services, to improve marketing efficiency, stimulate users’ interest in watching sports events.

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