
This study aimed to primarily examine perceptions about occupational suitability made by vocational counselors for adults who stutter and associated factors. A total of 69 vocational counsellors (23 per condition) took part in this study and were randomly assigned to recordings related to three different speech conditions (fluent, less-severe stuttering, and severe stuttering versions). The participants were asked to listen to one of the three recordings and rate the speaker’s communicative functioning, personal attributes, and suitability for 31 occupations, along with perceptions of the speaking demands and educational requirements of the occupations. Regarding the two stuttering conditions, it was found that suitability ratings were lower for occupations with a high speaking demand than those with a low speaking demand. In addition, the most significant factor associated with occupational suitability ratings was perceived speaking demands, followed by perceived educational requirements, and then by ratings of the speaker’s personal attributes. These findings suggest that adults who stutter may face role entrapment (or occupational stereotyping) in workplace settings.

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