
The paper substantiates the importance of studying the technical mindset of an engineer and finding the ways and means of forming this professionally important type of thinking in university students. The author reveals the essence and the three-component structure of the technical mindset and outlines its characteristic features (integration, creativeness, efficiency and reflexivity), which can serve as a tool for diagnosing the development level of the technical mindset in the study process. In the course of empirical research conducted on the basis of the Institute of Mechanical and Power Engineering named after V.P. Goryachkin, it was established that the development level of the technical mindset in students of all years is above average; the dynamics of results in different years of study is unstable; lecturers can poorly visualize the process of developing the technical mindset; students find it difficult to introspect the changes that occur in the study process. The conclusion is made about the need for an engineering university of purposeful and systematic work on the development of the technical mindset. The author proposes some ways of developing the technical mindset features in students in the classroom environment.

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