
The article studies trust as an important factor that has a significant impact on social interaction within an organization. The article presents the results of the conducted correlation analysis of data from questionnaires, obtained in one Tomsk company, on the level of trust, the degree of effectiveness of activities by employees, quality of work, as well as a number of socioeconomic parameters: satisfaction with wages, general job satisfaction, the level of selfrealization in work, working conditions, the level of leadership. The analysis made it possible to reveal a positive correlation at the level of 0.502 between trust and effectiveness of activities (correlations are significant at p = 0.05). The study also revealed a high positive correlation at the level of 0.781 between the real level of trust and the acceptable level of trust, which is determined by the structural features of the organization, the stage of the life cycle and the features of the organization’s configuration, according to Henry Mintzberg. The conducted empirical research also made it possible to determine that labor collectives with a higher level of trust also had higher labor productivity. The obtained results made it possible to develop instruments for managing the level of trust within the organization, which includes a number of stages: assessment of the acceptable level of trust in the company’s divisions (stage I); assessment of the real level of trust in the company’s divisions (stage II); mapping the discrepancies between the acceptable and the real levels of trust (stage III). In order to assess the acceptable level of trust (stage I), it is required to determine the configuration of the organization, identify the stage of its life cycle, allocate and classify the structural parts of the organization, and, as a result, to quantify the acceptable level of trust for each division. At stage II, the employees of the divisions are questioned. The author proposes to determine the assessment and subsequent mapping of divisions according to the degree of demand for trust mechanisms (stage III) by calculating the difference in points received by each division at stages I and II. The divisions that received the highest results at stage III are recognized as most urgently in need of the development of trust mechanisms. The results of testing the instruments developed by the author in one of the companies in Tomsk are described in the article. The instruments made it possible for the company to identify the divisions of the organization that required trust building and to propose a new approach to the formation of a reserve for the rotation of managers and selection of candidates for senior positions in the “problem” divisions. The new approach contributes to improving the quality of social interaction in separate divisions and in the whole company.

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