
The article is devoted to the study of the problems of innovative development in the regions of the Russian Federation. The aim of this work was to determine the empirical relationship between the indicators of innovation activity, economic growth and the state of the institutional environment in the regions. For this purpose, the research methodology was formed and the analysis of the subjects of the Russian Federation was carried out with the establishment of current trends in innovative, institutional and economic development. The methodological basis of the study was the grouping method, the decision tree method, as well as economic and mathematical modeling for constructing production functions. In the course of the analysis, it was found that economic growth directly depends on the innovation and institutional factors. High values of these factors allow you to get GRP per capita at the level of 510 thousand rubles and above, with low values, this indicator is 180-200 thousand rubles. The rate of economic growth is also directly proportional to these factors. It is also revealed that, first; the quality of public institutions and business institutions determines the effectiveness of development and the growth of innovation indicators at the regional level. The most significant attribute for the classification of subjects by the level of innovative development is the innovation activity index. It defines the current classification by 36.7 %, the indices of socio-economic conditions and the quality of innovation policy by 26 %. Macroeconomic modeling of economic growth in the regions depending on the level of innovative development is carried out, and the prospects for using the innovative factor as a driver of economic growth are evaluated. It is established that for a significant number of regions of the Russian Federation, the innovative way of development is not relevant in the medium term. Only for 15 territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, economic growth is real, accompanied by the development of innovative activities. Based on the results of the simulation, proposals are formulated for the directions of economic development of the regions. The article is intended for specialists and experts in the field of theory and practice of innovative development

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