
This study is a logical continuation of the work “On the formation of value attitude to the Russian language study at school”, which addressed the issues of language learning in three aspects: as a state, as a native and as a foreign language. In July 2018, Russia adopted the law “On the study of native languages” for the first time. Along with other national languages, for the first time Russian was considered not only as a state language, but also as a national language, requiring special attention and study. In this regard, we raise the problem of the choice of scientific approaches to the native Russian language study at the first stage of education. We study the course of “native Russian language”, define its goals and objectives and propose a list of scientific and methodological approaches to its teaching. We offer the native Russian language study from the position of four scientific aspects: axiological, communicative-activity, linguocultural and hermeneutic. The essence of each presented approaches is analyzed from the standpoint of the degree of study, development, expediency of use in primary school in theory and practice. We connect the conclusions about the success of applying the presented approaches to the native Russian language study, first of all, with the teachers, who should be an example of real knowledge of the Russian language, love for it, recognize and appreciate the richness of the native culture. We note that the introduction of additional hours of the Russian language is not intended to level the gaps in the students’ knowledge of basic course of the Russian language. Native language study should contribute to the formation of students’ perception of themselves as part of Russian culture, to form a valuable attitude not only to the language, but also to its study.

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