
The aim of the work was to demonstrate the possibility of using artificial intelligence technologies and instrumental psychodiagnostics tools to ensure the effective operation of cognitive learning mechanisms. The presented literary review shows the main directions of modern scientific thought in relation to the use of artificial intelligence in education. These are adaptive learning systems, whose main task is to adapt educational content within the framework of personalization of learning, and educational chatbots (virtual assistants, tutors), which assess the student’s progress, monitor what and when the student studied, collect students’ opinions about the teacher, predict educational problems and help to overcome them, predict academic results. The presented analysis of the scientific elaboration of the problem of using artificial intelligence for the tasks of ensuring the cognitive effectiveness of training showed the lack of such elaboration. The possibilities of integrating instrumental psychodiagnostics methods, such as laser Doppler vibrometry, bioradiolocation, eytracking, thermography, recognition and analysis of audio and video recordings, into intelligent educational systems have not been studied at all. The idea that the educational place of the student of the future should be provided with at least several instrumental psychodiagnostic channels has been expressed. At the same time, the artificial intelligence system must coordinate the information received for these various channels. The article presents the results of an analytical foresight study that demonstrates the possibilities of building a class of the future, intensively using the idea of cognitive-effective education, artificial intelligence technology, and modern technical means. This study analyzes the cognitive factors that negatively affect the effectiveness of learning and the possibilities of overcoming them by means of artificial intelligence and instrumental psychodiagnostics, as well as the possible impact of digitalization on cognitive learning processes. The factors are analyzed: of nonpreservation of learning knowledge in long-term memory, of non-homogenity of academic knowledge, of non-formation of the necessary information and cognitive basis of knowledge for a discipline or for further training in general, of insufficient academic attention, of lack of cognitive training, of the formation of recognition in the absence of the possibility of free actualization of knowledge, of the inefficiency of certain methods of digital education, of non-formation of knowledge explication and actualization in a dialogue, of different cognitive readiness of students in the class, of gadget-stress, of misunderstanding of reading (functional illiteracy), and others. The conclusion is made about the possibility and reality of an integrated implementation of artificial intelligence systems and of modern technical means in the educational process to reduce the negative cognitive effects of modern learning.

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