
The article examines the impact of project financing on the development of projects throughout their life cycle in general, and its specific impact on the organizational structure of projects, in particular. Based on the statement that financial planning in projects is an important component of the design phase, while project financing is an integral element of all subsequent phases of the project life cycle, the need to consider the impact of the type of project financing on the model of the organizational structure of projects is substantiated. It is separately substantiated that the type of project financing will determine the general model of the organizational structure of the projects. It is in connection with the identification of such an influence that the essence of project financing is specified in the article and the main types (mechanisms) of project financing are investigated and their strengths and weaknesses are substantiated. On the basis of empirical data, it has been proven that the financing of economic activity in the form of project financing is extremely common in the world economy, and in certain types of economic activity it can be considered a priority form of financing. It has also been proven that the volume of project financing in the world economy is constantly growing, in particular, in the European Union during the last 6 years, such growth amounted to about 100%. Interrelationships between the type of project financing and models of the organizational structure of projects were analyzed, and certain features of the formation of the organizational structure of projects were identified depending on the selected type of project financing. It has been proven that it is the partnership type of project financing under which the SPV (SPE) is created that has the greatest opportunities for representing the interests of project stakeholders precisely during the formation of the organizational structure of project management, and also has the widest range of opportunities for attracting project financing from various sources.

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