
The article actualizes the problem of the university community as a key meaning-forming scientific environment and the congress as a form of scientific communication. The perspectives of interdisciplinary communication in the university environment and also the experience of Russian philosophical congresses, which have become an important factor in the scientific consolidation of the Russian philosophical community, are considered as material for this kind of comparison, designed to demonstrate the substantial similarity of the problems arising in scientific communities. The author notes the similarity of the problems arising in the formation process of the disciplinary diversity (specialization) of the university environment and the similarity between the functioning of the classical within a modern university (on the example of Belgorod State University) and the problems that are solved at philosophical congresses. Philosophical congresses help to overcome a period of disciplinary fragmentation, which philosophy is now also going through. At the same time, the author notes the importance of the experience gained within the framework of philosophical congresses for solving the problems of university education, in which philosophy traditionally plays an important role in ensuring interdisciplinary communication between faculties. It explains the need for consistent and various attention to philosophical congresses on the part of Russian national universities, which are going through the time of searching for historically well-timed forms of scientific and educational activity. Due to the practical development of personal worldview and methodological beginnings of cognitive activity of high educational level, the author proposes for discussion at the upcoming philosophical congresses (Russian and international) topics related to the question of prospects of philosophical communities in universities. According to the author, it can be the subject of a broad discussion at the next Russian philosophical congress.

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