
The article analyzes the specifics of the legal situation in modern Kazakhstan. Attention is focused on the close relationship between social modernization and the processes of transformation of legal culture. The constitutive significance of paradigmatic and structural civilizational parameters for entering a competitive existence is emphasized. The revolution that has taken place in the public life of Kazakhstan is comprehended, and the current situation is identified in a new way from the standpoint of values and meanings. The historical legal practice of Kazakhstan is an example of the fact that the human mentality, norms of behavior, habitual way of life are not transformed as quickly as the economic, political, social spheres. A painful shift is fixed, which is expressed in the decline and profanation of the sphere of scientific activity, the resurrection of superstitious ideas, the cultivation of the ideology of consumption, immoral behavior caused by ideas about the relativity of moral norms. The imperfection of the existing system of law is stated, the reason for which lies not in legal illiteracy, but in the deep layers of cultural consciousness. Practice shows that a prescribed model alien from the outside, no matter how rational and well organized it may be, will not work if it is not relevant to the cognitive scheme of the participants in social relationships. The key to understanding this cognitive scheme lies in the subconscious (even unconscious) mythological structures of the personality. It is concluded that the fruitful introduction of modern civilizational values (which in general implies modernization) can only be achieved through a thorough study of the existing mechanisms of citizens’ thinking and the development of measures appropriate to these mechanisms.

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