
The article shows the effect of freeze-drying on consumer and biologically valuable indicators of product quality. An important place in the food industry is occupied by drying processes, one of them is sublimation, which is recommended for products containing heat-sensitive antioxidant components such as ascorbic acid and phenolic substances. The article describes in detail the technological process of lyophilization and the stages of which it consists, namely: product preparation, freezing, sublimation, which is divided into primary and secondary drying, and packaging of the dried product. During the theoretical study of the question of the influence of sublimation on the quality of products, the ambiguity of the data was established, which contributes to further, more detailed study, taking into account varietal and weather factors. For example, a number of scientists Pérez-Gregorio, Robles-Sánchez R.M., Patthamakanokporn O., Pérez-Gregorio M.R., Pérez-Gregorio M.R., Rodrigues A.S., Que F., Mao L., Wojdylo A., Figiel A., Wojdylo A., Figiel A., Skrovankova S., Sumczynski D., Wojdyło A., Figiel A. note that post-harvest processes, including various types of fruit drying, negatively affect their chemical composition, in particular, the content of vitamin C, polyphenols and their antioxidant activity. The claim of a high percentage of ascorbic acid retention in freeze-dried fruits was confirmed by Dario Donno, Rupasinghe H.V., Fernandes F.A.N., Hawlader M.N.A. Studies on the effect of lyophilization on changes in the polyphenolic complex and bioactivity of fruits are quite controversial. Researchers Scheuermann E. et all proved that phenolic content and antioxidant activity increased during sublimation, while Kaya, Skrovankova S., Değirmencioğlu N. reported that drying fruits during the production of snacks does not significantly change their qualitative polyphenolic profile. The fact of an increase in the polyphenolic complex in freeze-dried blueberries was proven by the American researcher Esteban I. Other data contradicting the above data were obtained in the course of their research by researchers Paes J., Dotta R., who note that lyophilization reduces the amount of phenolic compounds.

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