
This paper considers a fragment of V.S. Vysotsky’s worldview through which his attitude to creativity is seen through the prism of the poetically gifted character. A step-by-step method with the artistic concept of creation as the main methodological tool was used for the analysis. The content of the above concept was identified on the basis of the following lyrics: “My bride will truly sob for me” (‘Za menya nevesta otrydaet chestno’, “The seventh string” (‘Sed’maya struna’), and “Silver strings” (‘Serebryanye struny’). The lexemes struna (‘string’) and gitara (‘guitar’) representing the concept of creation function as the leitmotifs in V.S. Vysotsky’s lyrics. They define the directions of association (linguistic, literary, reference, cultural) and the personality of the lyric character through his attitudes to friends, beloved woman, freedom, and life in general. These attitudes in V.S. Vysotsky’s artistic world are determined by the ideologically important opposition of “one’s own – alien”, a nuclear part of the concept of creation that influences its content. It was concluded that the concept of creation shaping the image of the lyric character and his behavior is represented in the studied lyrics by the associative series of tvorchestvo – svoboda – dusha – zhizn’ (‘creativity – freedom – soul – life’) and functions against the background of the opposition of “one’s own – alien”.


  • A step-by-step method with the artistic concept of creation as the main methodological tool was used for the analysis

  • They define the directions of association and the personality of the lyric character through his attitudes to friends, beloved woman, freedom, and life in general

  • It was concluded that the concept of creation shaping the image of the lyric character and his behavior is represented in the studied lyrics by the associative series of tvorchestvo – svoboda – dusha – zhizn’ (‘creativity – freedom – soul – life’) and functions against the background of the opposition of “one’s own – alien”

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В котором выражается его отношение к творчеству через поэтически одаренного лирического героя. В которой главным методическим инструментом выступает художественный концепт «творчество». Отмечается, что лексемы струна и гитара как репрезентанты концепта «творчество» являются ключевыми в рассмотренных текстах В.С. Высоцкого определяются идейно важным для жизни и творчества поэта противопоставлением «свой – чужой», которое организует ядерную часть соответствующего концепта, пересекающегося с анализируемым концептом «творчество» и влияющего на его содержание.

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