
The article analyzes the activities of highly rated insurance companies, which provide health insurance services in Ukraine. Time series study took place between 2014 and the first half of 2019. The quantitative dynamics of insurance companies tends to decrease. This is due to introduction of the order of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Financial Services Markets. This implies that by 2020 insurance companies must confirm their solvency by clearing out insurance portfolios of high-risk assets and forming an additional reserve of paying capacity, thus strong players remain in the market, and weak ones cease their activities.The level of competition in the market for health insurance services has been estimated using the Herfindahl-Hirschman index. The calculations were carried out on the indicators of insurance premiums and insurance payments, separately for each component of the health insurance services market, namely: permanent health insurance, medical expenses insurance, health insurance in case of illness. It is noted that the calculation of the Herfindahl-Hirschman index in the insurance market as a whole does not provide optimal information about the level of competition, because it should be calculated for each segment of the insurance market, including the market for medical insurance services. In Ukraine, it is necessary to bring domestic legislation in line with the European Union norms instead of relying on outdated norms that have been in force in the last century.The analyzed insurance companies occupy leading positions in the ranking in terms of insurance premiums, insurance payments and the level of payments. It is worth mentioning that the insurance companies «Uniqa» and «Providna» are the most financially stable in the health insurance services market. The comparative characteristic of health insurance programs offered to the population by insurance companies «Uniqa», «Providna», «ARX», «Alfa Insurance», «INGO Ukraine» is given. It is found out that programs of these insurance companies are similar in terms of fullness of services, cooperation with some medical institutions, medical laboratories and pharmacies, so each client can choose a program that he can afford.

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