
In the paper, a comparative analysis of previously developed methods for calculating the heat flux of rivers in the absence of gauging-station data are given, and a new method for such calculations is proposed. It is based on the Maps of specific annual heat flux of zonal rivers and empirical dependencies of heat flux on the average height of the catchment area. An example of such a map is the “Map of specific annual heat flux (MT, 109× kJ/km2) of rivers in the northeast of the Asian part of Russia” plotted on the data for the period from 1950/1955 to 2018 and on the basis of data from 112 gauging stations. General recommendations for calculating the annual heat flux of medium-sized rivers that do not have posts, the intra-annual distribution of heat flux, the values of heat flux at the mouths of large rivers are set out in the paper. The values of heat flux calculated for the marine mouths of region large rivers and the sections of seacoasts between these mouths are given as an example of the implementation of the new recommendations. The list of new materials that help calculations includes new maps of average monthly water temperatures (May-October), the dependence of water temperature and heat flux on the average height of the catchment area, the division of the territory of the Northeast Asian part of Russia into 10 altitude-thermal zones, the relationship between heat flux and water runoff, the catchment area of the river and other materials. In total, data from 34 weather stations, 231 posts with water temperatures and 145 posts with water discharges were used in the research.

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