
The results of a 16-year study of the autoch-thonous Don grapevine variety Durman are pre-sented in comparison with the control variety Risling Rejnskij. The research was carried out in 2008−2023 at the Don ampelographic collec-tion named after Ya.I. Potapenko (Novocher-kassk, Rostov region). The varieties are culti-vated in a grafted (Kober 5 BB) cover crop. The study was carried out using generally ac-cepted methods in viticulture and National standards. According to the results of long-term observations, the Durman grapevine varie-ty has a high agrobiological potential in the cli-matic conditions of the Lower Don region (66% of open buds, 77% of fruitful shoots, fruiting coefficient 1.2, average bunch weight 173 g, yield 11.3 t/ha). The average estimated yield of the Risling Rejnskij variety was 4.5 t/ha, which is 2.5 times less than that of Dur-man variety. Durman variety has an early-medium ripening period (133 days). Upon reaching technological maturity, it accumulates 20.7 g/100 cm3 of sugars with a titratable acidi-ty of 6.5 g/dm3. Dry white wine from Durman variety is pale straw in color, the aroma has muscat-spicy tones, the taste is harmonious and full. Wine tasting score: 8.6 points. The wine from the control Risling Rejnskij variety re-ceived a score of 8.7 points. The article presents data from the molecular genetic passport of Durman variety (for six microsatellite loci). Based on the results of the studies, it was con-cluded that Durman grapevine variety is advis-able to use for producing high-quality dry white wines, as well as a mother form in breeding for crop quality. The disadvantage of this variety is functionally female type of flower, so it is rec-ommended to grow it in mixed plantings, inside an array, to improve the quality of pollination.

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