
The article explores the use of modern information technology by modern students studying at history department in the search for the necessary information. The work focuses on the ability of a student studying at history department to use the capabilities of the provided resources of the Internet correctly. It implies the ability to navigate electronic versions of libraries, archives and other sites of cultural and historical organizations, as well as the ability to select reliable information, which can sufficiently facilitate the search for high-quality material for writing all kinds of scientific papers. As a result of the analysis of statistical data regarding the popularity of the use of information offered by Internet resources, it was revealed that this topic is relevant nowadays. As a research task, the authors made an attempt to assess the nature of the use of Internet resources by students at the present stage. As a result, it was revealed that this issue has a number of contradictions. Methods of research. A significant part of the study is the description of reliable Internet resources that students studying at history department can use. These include the official sites of libraries, archives and museums. The results of the study showed that with the correct use of Internet resources offered on the World Wide Web, you can quickly find the necessary information and save time. It is concluded that nowadays it is necessary to continue developing the sites of cultural and historical organizations for the positive impact of electronic information sources on the quality of education, and it is also essential to build the information competence of students studying at history department.


  • The results of the study showed that with the correct use of Internet resources offered on the World Wide Web, you can quickly find the necessary information and save time

  • It is concluded that nowadays it is necessary to continue developing the sites of cultural and historical organizations for the positive impact of electronic information sources on the quality of education, and it is essential to build the information competence of students studying at history department

  • Заключение Тема активного поиска информации в глобальной сети Интернет студентами-историками, как было доказано, достаточно актуальна, что, в свою очередь, должно способствовать интеграции деятельности работников культурно-исторических и научных организаций на базе современных информационных технологий

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Информацин хальхи электрон çăл куçĕсем историк студентсен вĕренÿ пахалăхне витĕм кÿни Абрамова Т.А.a, Никулина А.В.b АВ «Н.П. Тĕпчев задачи тесе авторсем студентсем хальхи тапхăрта Интернет çăл куçĕсемпе усă курнин хăйне евĕрлĕхне хакласссине илнĕ. Тĕпчев результачĕсем тĕнче сĕнекен Интернет çăл куçĕсемпе тĕрĕс усă курсан ĕçре кирлĕ информацие хăвăрт тупма тата вăхăта перекетлеме май пуррине кăтартрĕç.

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