
Infectious agalactia of sheep and goats is a contagious disease that is caused by a specific causative agent of Mycoplasma agalactiae and is characterized by damage to the mammary gland, joints and eyes. The disease starts at birth and ends after lactation. In Ukraine, infectious agalactia is registred only in selected regions of the Odessa region, but due to the active development of the sheep industry, the disease can spread to other regions. The purpose of this work was to determine the indicators and dynamics of the incidence of small cattle for infectious agalactia in the southern regions of Odessa region. Studies have found that in the 9 southern regions of Odessa region (Artsyzsky, Saratsky, Tatarbunarsky, Bolgradsky, Izmailsky, Kiliysky, B. ‒ Dnestrovsky, Tarutinsky and Reniysky) in 2016 there were 190800 heads of small cattle, of which were infected 25010 animals (13.1 %). The highest incidence rate was 23.5 % in Artsyzsk and 21.7 % in Tarutyne districts. Somewhat lower in the Izmailsk and Tatarbunar regions - 5.9 % and 1.2 %. In 2017, the highest incidence rate was 20.8 % and 18.6 %, respectively, in Artsyzsky and Tarutynsky regions. In the Bolgradsky, Tatarbunarsky, Renisky and Saratsky regions, the incidence rate was 12.7 %, 10.9 %, 7.9 %, and 6.2 %, respectively. In Izmailsk and B. ‒ Dnestrovsk regions, the figures were lower and amounted to 4.4 % and 0.6 %, respectively. Compared to previous years, the incidence rate for infectious agalactia of sheep and goats in 2018 was 10.1 %, which is 3.0 % and 1.0 % less than in 2016 and 2017 respectively. In Kiliysky, B.-Dniestrovsky and Tatarbunarsky regions of Odessa region, clinical signs of infectious agalactia of sheep and goats were not registered. This decrease in morbidity can be explained by the fact that in the south of Odessa region during spring and summer period of 2018 a small amount of rainfall was remarked and the year was characterized as arid.


  • Infectious agalactia of sheep and goats is a contagious disease that is caused by a specific causative agent of Mycoplasma agalactiae and is characterized by damage to the mammary gland, joints and eyes

  • In Ukraine, infectious agalactia is registred only in selected regions of the Odessa region, but due to the active development of the sheep industry, the disease can spread to other regions

  • В перспективі планується встановити вікову та сезонну динаміку інфекційної агалактії овець і кіз

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In the Bolgradsky, Tatarbunarsky, Renisky and Saratsky regions, the incidence rate was 12.7 %, 10.9 %, 7.9 %, and 6.2 %, respectively. The incidence rate for infectious agalactia of sheep and goats in 2018 was 10.1 %, which is 3.0 % and 1.0 % less than in 2016 and 2017 respectively. In Kiliysky, B.-Dniestrovsky and Tatarbunarsky regions of Odessa region, clinical signs of infectious agalactia of sheep and goats were not registered. This decrease in morbidity can be explained by the fact that in the south of Odessa region during spring and summer period of 2018 a small amount of rainfall was remarked and the year was characterized as arid

Распространение инфекционной агалактии овец и коз в хозяйствах Одесской области
Поширення інфекційної агалактії овець і кіз в господарствах Одеської області
Матеріали і методи досліджень
Результати та їх обговорення
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