
The article is devoted to the analysis of the latest business practices of using marketing communications as a tool of expansion in the post - industrial era. It is determined that the modernization of business marketing technologies in modern conditions has a dual nature and is due on the one hand, rapid technological changes and, on the other hand, transformations of the global marketing environment both in terms of competition between manufacturers and suppliers and given the latest trends in behavior consumers. Based on the Case method, the latest practice of influential global business entities to expand the arsenal of marketing communications in order to strengthen the competitive status and increase efficiency. It was found that due to the active modernization and spread of new means of marketing communication, an important manifestation of the latest trends in the relationship "producer-consumer" was the transformation of the model of communication with customers formed in previous decades. The former focus on the reflective reactions of consumers in view of the dominant business offer is giving way to the growing influence of value orientations, which increasingly determine one or another choice of buyers. The formation of value orientations of consumers is an important means of ensuring the quantitative growth of their demands and qualitative updating of such requests, mainly because of the use of the latest production technologies. It is revealed that now social networks, communication platforms with a certain range of issues that can be discussed, as well as various file exchangers are becoming more and more active information channels for obtaining relevant marketing information. Identifying target groups of customers and concentrating efforts on working with them allows companies to more fully meet and shape the needs of priority customers and strengthen their position in the market. The formation of value orientations of consumers with the help of modern means of communication is an important means of ensuring demand for the latest products, creating a fashion for their possession. It is determined that the tools of marketing communications are not limited to relationships in the B2C space: they can also be used for intra-corporate information exchanges of rapid information transfer between branches of the company, which form / coordinate different aspects of a marketing strategy depending on tastes and preferences. Prospects for further research are seen in the need to assess potential risks in the active implementation of the latest tools of marketing communications in view of their use as both transparent and latent technologies of pressure on consumers and means of outright discrediting competitors.

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