
The article is devoted to the consideration of means of musical-intonational suggestion for the correction of attention of students with autism spectrum disorders. This correction method is presented in light of its potential to improve the general psycho-emotional state of students with appropriate nosology, which has a positive effect on the mental development of such children by improving the functioning of cognitive mental processes, including voluntary attention. Emphasis is placed on the psychological patterns of perception of a musical work in the process of pedagogical work with autistic children, which in the context of our theoretical study sheds light on the mechanisms of facilitating and intensifying the formation of attention processes during pedagogical interaction in class. The unique ability of music to change and adjust the emotional state of a student with special educational needs in combination with intonationally emphasized verbal instructions of the teacher allow arbitrary management of his educational and cognitive activities, which in turn "pulls" the development of attention and attention of such students. It is determined that to achieve the desired effect in creating a situation of music perception by children with autism, it is necessary to take into account their current emotional state at the beginning of music, their level of mental mobilization, activity, and plan and practice teacher behavior, including expression, pauses, intonations , gestures, facial expressions, selection of information material of the lesson. The function of suggestion for a certain category of children should be aimed at the child's perception of certain kinds of thoughts, positive feelings that directly affect the psyche and, accordingly, become a corrector of its attention. It is proved that the musical- intonational content of pedagogical interaction derives its potential from many sources of non-special content, and its expressiveness is based on associations with other sound sources due to auditory experience, which are prerequisites for psychophysiological influence of music on the child's emotional sphere. As a result of the conducted analytical work it is proved that the process of suggesting musical intonation for autistic children of primary school age is an important suggestive factor that allows to achieve the desired effect in the functioning of their cognitive mental processes.

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