
This article presents the integrated approach of the professional competencies of students of the correspondence form of evening-technical college training. The essence of the approach is the use of traditional forms of education, complemented by innovative forms: interactive content of descriptive geometry teacher in multimedia environments, the use of graphical editors in the learning process. These developments were due to the orientation of modern education on the priority development of creative qualities of professional engineer, the development of which, according to many experts, is possible in a graphical environment [3; 9]. On the other hand, there are the problems of mastering the course of descriptive geometry for the students in absentia-evening form of a technical college education related to insufficient spatial representations. The intensification of the educational process, especially training programs with restrictions on hours of classroom courses assimilation, brought to the fore the search for ways to solve this problem. The rapid development of the Information Society have significantly revised teaching methods, individualizing the educational trajectory. Implementation of the developed pedagogical impact of the measures has shown that the uptake rate of descriptive geometry substantially improved without increasing the teaching hours.

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