
We consider the current issue of the formation of the students’ civic culture in connection with the study of the works by Belarusian educators. They from a civil position covered the Belarusian enlightenment issues, showed public education importance, the huge role of the intellectuals in this process. The civil position of the enlighteners is that they closely linked the issues of public education with the welfare of the population. The significant pedagogical ideas presented in the works of M. Bogdanovich, I.D. Gorbachevsky and N.Ya. Nikiforovsky are considered in detail. They analyzed the rural teachers problems as the education improvement of the people largely depended on rural teachers; they note the importance of labor, moral education, respect for elders, the need to develop gardening, gardening, beekeeping, environmental protection, the relevance of education and upbringing of women, the implementation of an individual approach to students. The works of the enlighteners note the tolerance and peacefulness of Belarusians, their desire to comprehend other cultures, respect the rights of other nationalities. The formation of students’ civic position is facilitated by the study and analysis of issues related to the emergence of Belarusian writing, the peculiarities of the development of Belarusian culture, the Belarusian language, as well as ways of interaction of Belarusian culture with the cultures of other peoples.

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