
Investigations were conducted on gray middle-loamy forest soils of selection rotation of Tatar Scientific and Research Institute of Agriculture. The experience was laid on the area of 1320 m2, the number of units - 4, number of options - 8, replication - fourfold. The seeding rate of 5 million germinating seeds per hectare. The plot’s area is 15 m2. The following drugs were offered according the experimental scheme: Block 1 - pre-sowing seed treatment. 1. Control-1 (no treatment); 2. Fundazol - 2 kilogramm pet ton; 3. CuMo - 2 litre per ton; 4. CuMo 4 litre per ton; 5. CuMo 6 litre per ton; 6. CuZn 2 litre per ton; 7. CuZn 4 litre per tont; 8. CuZn 6 litre per ton. Block 1 - pre-sowing seed treatment by testing preparations; Block 2 - presowing treatment of seeds + autumn spraying of crops with testing drugs: 1. Control - 1 (no treatment); 2. Fundazol - 0.5%; 3. CuMo - 0.4%; 4. CuMo - 0.8%; 5. CuMo - 1,2%; 6. CuZn - 0,4%; 7. CuZn - 0,8%; 8. CuZn - 1,2%; Block 3 - pre-sowing seed treatment by testing preparations + spring spraying of crops with testing drugs; 4 unit - - pre-sowing seed treatment by testing preparations + autumn + spring spraying of crops with testing drugs. The results of 3 years of research have shown, that pre-sowing treatment of seeds by stimulant formulations increased the productivity of winter rye with maximum effect, when applying zinc-copper composition, containing chelate compounds at a concentration of 4 litre per ton. Complex application of incentive compounds for pre-sowing treatment with optional autumn spraying by appropriate preparations allowed slightly increase the productivity of winter rye of Radon variety, mainly, due to increasing plant survival after hibernation. The combined use of the studied compounds before planting together with spring spraying of plants increased the productivity more, than in the autumn spraying. Complex application of the experimental compounds for pre-sowing treatment of seeds in conjunction with the 2-fold (autumn and spring) spraying of vegetating plants increased productivity at the block level of spring spraying.

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