
The article discusses the style features of the educational activities of students in the conditions of forced distance learning. The concept of learning style is analyzed, by which the authors understand a certain psychophysiological system of mastering knowledge and skills, which to a certain extent determines the success of a student as a future professional. Based on the results of the analysis of special literature, a theoretical model is presented that systematizes the most famous classifications of learning styles according to the areas of educational activity of the individual (cognitive, emotional-volitional, behavioral spheres of the individual). It was determined that the differentiation of learning styles based on the motivational characteristics of the individual remains insufficiently developed. The results of the study of the motivation of students’ learning indicate that the majority of them (41.1 %) are motivated by the motivation to receive a diploma. The authors have developed a classification of learning styles based on the motivational sphere of the student’s personality (solid, strategic, superficial, and affiliation learning style). It was revealed that the strategic style of learning prevails among students (41.9 %), the solid style is presented in 24.8 % of the respondents, the affiliationary style – in 18.6 %, the superficial one is less pronounced (14.7 %). The authors have developed recommendations for organizing the educational process. students depending on their style. For students with a dominant strategic style of teaching, the teacher is recommended to determine the goals of the lesson, as well as design a promising goal for the entire period of studying the discipline. It is advisable to organize pedagogical interaction with students with the dominance of the affiliationary style based on their communication needs. In order to attract students with a dominanceof a superficial style of learning activity, it is recommended to provide them with the opportunity to take initiative, to ensure freedom of expression. As a universal, it is proposed to establish feedback and create a favorable learning environment.

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