
The casino industry is a highly human-dependent industry where products are delivered to customers through the service delivery process of employees at the customer contact point. In particular, in the case of foreigner-only casinos, which account for the majority of domestic casinos, the sales competency of marketers is the key to the success or failure of a company, so securing and managing competent marketers is very important in casino operation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop an evaluation index that can measure the competency of casino marketers targeting foreigner-only casinos in Korea where the competence of marketers is important. A Delphi survey was conducted three rounds with a panel of 31 experts, and from the results, 6 competency clusters and a total of 26 detailed evaluation indicators were derived. Based on the above result, theoretical and practical implications for the future education, personnel management, management and development of foreigner-only casino marketers in Korea were proposed.

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