
This article is dedicated to the most significant reform projects of the national Renaissance5 in Maghrebi countries that were developed by Arabic researchers during the period of the European occupation. The major traits of these projects and their innovative role is represented. The article is focused on the projects based on the region’s cultural heritage and exclude programs of anticolonial political movements. This choice is determined by the fact that many of these intentions are still relevant. It’s intellectual products, literature and researches became the source of inspiration for the modern political, cultural and national elites of the Maghreb. The article also analyzes the phenomenon of comprehensiveness of Arab elite to the world’s scientific and academic achievements. It highlights that the projects represent the alternative to the cultural and civilizational plans enforced by presumptuous North-American West. The article is based on the descriptive approach, method of historical fixation, methodology of analysis and synthesis. The article focuses on the period of Maghreb renaissance and it’s past, present and future.

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