
The article considers the current state of the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the volume of oil and gas production in recent years. Also, the impact of the oil and gas industry on land resources and the environment in General. It is investigated how harmful the oil and gas industry is to the environment, and some methods of cleaning oil pollution of soils and soils are reflected. The article shows the relevance of environmental and economic problems of the oil and gas complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and possible ways to solve them, analyzes the role of the oil industry in the political and social development of the country. It is noted that the oil and gas complex has specific features that increase the intensity of man-made impact in environmental pollution. Today, one of the most pressing environmental problems is environmental pollution in oil and gas production areas. The ways of solving environmental safety at oil and gas fields are studied, taking into account the qualitative composition of Kazakhstan's oil, the latest innovative solutions to reduce emissions of toxic elements into the environment during the extraction and processing of hydrocarbons.

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