
This article is devoted to the analysis of the role of Orthodoxy in the formation of patriotism among law enforcement officers and military personnel, united by us in the concept of law enforcement officers. In all periods of Russian history, Orthodoxy has been the most important force of our people, which allowed us to form the worldview of citizens in a format beneficial to the state. And today it continues to play an important role in the life of Russian society, broadcasting traditional values – patriotism, faith in goodness, honor, striving to fulfill moral duty to the Motherland and family, personal dignity, justice, etc. Russian Russian Orthodoxy is the spiritual foundation of Russian culture, provides the national and cultural identity of our civilization, determining the behavior and thinking of the Russian people. The role of the Orthodox Church in the formation of a sense of patriotism is especially important.The educational potential of traditional spiritual and moral values, which are formed in a religious environment, should be used in the formation of a sense of patriotism among cadets of law enforcement agencies. This process is especially important because cadets are the basis of the command staff of power structures, and the main transmitting link for the transfer of spiritual and moral values to their subordinates. It is from the cadets of law enforcement agencies that the subjects of patriotism education in the system of working with personnel are formed in the future. The article analyzes the reasons for the successes and failures of patriotic education, reveals the peculiarities of the interaction of the Orthodox Church and law enforcement agencies in the education of patriotism. The author shows the interaction of the Orthodox Church and law enforcement agencies during the formation of patriotism among cadets on the example of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, and describes the system of interaction between the ROC and the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the education of patriotism among cadets.

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