
The efficiency of oxygen transport to working muscles for athletes is one of the most important factors, as oxygen is involved in oxidative processes of muscles. The amount of oxygen inhaled is directly proportional to the amount consumed by the cells. The ability of the blood to transfer oxygen is affected by: hemoglobin content, total mass of the hemoglobin, erythrocyte volume and hematocrit. Oxygen transport provides the hemoglobin protein that is contained within the redblood cells that make up the blood. Trainings and medications have a positive effect on the blood and cardiovascular system, contributing to the improvement of both the body's performance and sports performance. Improving the performance of the athlete's body is variable in the training process. The task of the athlete and the coach is to find a constant balance of the training load and the state of readiness of the athlete's body to match the load. An important role in this is played by the changein hematocrit in a changing load, which, in our opinion, should understand the significance of short intensive training in preparing an endurance runner.

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