
Islam is a complete code of life. It has given sanctity and importance to human life. The holy Quran announces, “We have bestowed dignity on the children of Adam” (Quran 17:70). Similarly, the life of an individual has been granted such a significance that according to the Quran, if anyone killed a person without any reason, it would be as if he killed all mankind and saving one life would be equal to saving of whole humanity (Quran 5:32). In the light of such instructions, one can easily imagine the sacredness of human life in Islam. Unfortunately, in Pakistan and other parts of the world, suicide has become very common and it is especially highest in the teens and young adults. In Islam, suicide is strictly forbidden and no one has any right to end his life. This study tries to look into different methods commonly adopted for committing suicide and Islamic teachings to curb this menace from the society. It also endeavors to show that Islam is a religion of hope and emphasizes on the believers to trust in Allah Almighty and struggle hard to achieve the goals. Islamic teachings leave no room for any frustration and hopelessness in life.

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